Spanish Adventure Blog
Spanish Adventure Blog
adventure Recaps, resources for learning spanish, Travel blog, student profiles,
Welcome to the Spanish Adventure blog! Read all about being a student at Spanish Adventure, learning Spanish Immersed in San Carlos, adventures and activities around Antioquia Colombia, travel recomedations and more!
We are an immersive Spanish school located just outside Medellin, Colombia. Our passion is sharing the nature and culture of Colombia. We believe learning Spanish is an adventure.
Many travelers wonder about the best time to visit Colombia due to its rainy and dry seasons. However, one of the country’s charms is its highly varied climate. Colombia has diverse climate zones: warm and tropical along the coasts and plains, cool in mountainous areas, and mild in intermediate valleys. This variety means that while there are generally rainy and dry seasons, the weather can vary significantly depending on the region, and even within days in the same location.
Colombia is home to some of the most vibrant and unique Christmas celebrations in Latin America. The holiday season here is not just about decorations and gifts; it’s a deeply cultural experience, steeped in tradition and local flavor. From lively festivals in bustling cities to peaceful celebrations in rural towns, spending Christmas in Colombia offers an unforgettable opportunity to immerse yourself in both the language and the spirit of the season. Here are five destinations to consider if you're looking for an authentic Colombian Christmas.
Nowadays, learning Spanish seems as easy as downloading an app and clicking around until you get the “Congratulations! You’ve completed the level” notification. But let’s be honest, are you really going to become fluent in Spanish with just automated exercises and fictional dialogues with a bot? That’s like thinking you can learn to surf by watching YouTube videos: it sounds nice, but when the wave hits, you’re left floundering and clueless. So, if you’re wondering how to learn Spanish quickly, ditch the illusions and let’s get real.
If you're looking to learn Spanish, immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of Colombia is one of the best ways to do it. Known for its friendly people, stunning landscapes, and unique local expressions, Colombia offers an incredible backdrop for language learners. When you dive into the Spanish spoken in Colombia, you'll quickly realize that it's full of colorful sayings, slang, and expressions that give the language its heart and soul. In this blog, we'll take a journey through some of the most iconic dichos (sayings) and slang that will help you speak Spanish like a true Colombian.
So, what’s the plan to really learn Spanish? Do what you need to do with the apps and books, but don’t stop there. True fluency and the fun come from getting out there, interacting with people, and letting yourself be swept away by the language and culture.
Learning Spanish can be a long and difficult process. Once you’ve learned the basics well enough to carry on a simple conversation (trust me, you’ll get there soon enough), you can start adding some common phrases to your repertoire. Using common phrases will make others think you’ve been working to master Spanish for a long time, and may even convince native Spanish speakers that you know what you’re doing! Your confidence will be supercharged, which will open doors for you to have more in-depth and real-world conversations. You’ll be well on your way to learning more and more Spanish.
Let's face it, language learning can feel tedious like being in a hamster wheel – endless drills and textbooks with minimal real-world application. But what if I told you there's a hidden gem in Colombia where you can ditch the textbooks, ditch the classroom walls, and dive headfirst into an authentic Spanish immersion experience? Strap in as I’m going to tell you all about my unforgettable adventure learning Spanish at Spanish Adventure in San Carlos, Antioquia.
Engaging in small talk is an essential skill, especially when learning Spanish. Whether traveling to south america, meeting new friends, or connecting with colleagues, knowing how to navigate small talk helps build relationships. Here's a guide to get you started
Gone are the days of learning a language from a dusty textbook. Songs that actively engage you in the language through culture and immersion are where it’s at.
Volunteering at a Spanish school in San Carlos can be an incredibly enriching experience. Not only do you get to immerse yourself in the language and culture of a beautiful country, but you also get to give back to the community for example by teaching English to local students. In this blog, we'll explore what it's like to volunteer at a Spanish school in San Carlos and why it can be such a rewarding experience.
If you’re a logistics person (read: anxious planner) like me, you may appreciate the following details about arrival/check-in and the overall flow of each week
Afgelopen zes weken verbleef ik bij Spanish Adventure, de enige taalschool in San Carlos. Ik kijk terug op een geweldige tijd waarin ik veel heb geleerd over de Spaanse taal en de Colombiaanse cultuur, fantastische mensen heb mogen leren kennen, intens heb genoten van de prachtige natuur die San Carlos te bieden heeft en een tijd waarin ik mijn eigen grenzen heb verlegd. Ik hoop dat ik met behulp van mijn foto’s kan laten zien dat een verblijf bij Spanish Adventure in San Carlos de leukste manier is om Spaans te leren in Colombia.
A month and a half ago, I landed in the city of Medellin, Colombia, with only my backpack for company. There I was, a little lost, but ready for the greatest adventure of my life: a solo tour of South America. But first, I absolutely had to learn Spanish!
Because clearly, I didn't really have a notion, zero, nada. Oh yes, I had just learned "dónde está el baño?", in case of absolute necessity. And I took a year's Spanish course in Belgium a few years ago, in vain. After explaining my slightly complicated background with this beautiful language, I'm now going to share with you my biggest secrets for learning Spanish fast. Have a seat, grab a coconut lemonade, vamos!
If you're planning to travel to Colombia or San Carlos, you'll need to know how to communicate with the locals and also learn Spanish in Colombia can be a fanstastic idea. In touristy areas, people might speak to you in Spanish, but in many areas of the country, people will speak little to no English, so you'll need to use your Spanish skills. One of the most important things while traveling to Colombia will be knowing how to ask questions.
It’s a good sign that I’m finding it hard to make a list of only five places you can't miss in Colombia. My three weeks in Colombia have turned into three months and counting. This country has so much to offer and I have loved exploring the diverse landscapes as well as getting to know the rich culture. Between all the cities, mountains and coasts it can be hard to know what to do in Colombia and even harder to choose only five places you can’t miss… but I’ve tried my best.
The countryside gives more opportunities to get into natural environments and explore a variety of landscapes, flora and fauna while you are learning spanish. You'll find yourself getting familiar with the area and with local people much quicker than you would in a city. Add to that a laid back atmosphere, and you'll be feeling comfortable and at home in no time - allowing you to relax and keep a positive mind-set as you take on the task of learning a new language.
Colombia is a country of amazing landscapes, rich biodiversity, stunning colors, and genuine people. It offers an immense amount of activities from sunbathing on white Carribean beaches to hiking to gorgeous waterfalls in Colombia. Here is everything you need to know and what there is to do in Colombia before your trip here:
When I first considered traveling to Colombia, one of my hesitations was certainly whether it would be safe for me, considering I am part of the LGBTQI community.After a quick Google search, I learned Colombia actually legalized gay marriage in 2016, and the Queer community is thriving in its big cities creating big expectations on my part. As it turns out, I worried for no apparent reason at all
Colombia is one of the most popular travel destinations in South America due to its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and because of the incredibly diverse and friendly people who call Colombia home. So, if you want to speak like a Colombian, here are the top 6 most common and strange words/phrases that you will hear when travelling through Colombia.
Spanish Adventure has an amazing team of real people who do their work with love, patience and dedication. We are very grateful and proud to have this working group. ¡Let's get to know them!
Today it’s time to meet a little more about Joan one of the teachers
Colombia is a country that is known for its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes. However, one of the things that often goes overlooked is its diverse and delicious fruits. If you are planning to travel to Colombia, you cannot miss out on the opportunity to try some of the country's most unique and tasty fruits.
Spanish Adventure has an amazing team of real people who do their work with love, patience and dedication. We are very grateful and proud to have this working group. ¡Let's get to know them!
Good memory allows us to learn from the past, because the only meaning that the recovery of the past has is that it serves for the transformation of the present time. “Let your heart remember with as little pain and as much commitment as possible”. “They only cease to exist when we have forgotten them”.
Although natural outdoor activities are amazing and will make the experience your best one yet in South America, I’m here to tell you more about some cultural places that San Carlos has to offer.
Like many others, I arrived at Spanish Adventure with one main goal - to become as fluent as I can in Spanish in a short time period. My expectations were exceeded with the number of amazing experiences, friends, and lessons that I received here. Without a doubt one of the best decisions in my travels to arrive here - but we’ll get to that later :) What I did not expect was the joy and fulfillment I would receive from teaching English as a volunteer.
With how the food economy works here and in the rest of the world it's virtually impossible to avoid plastic waste. However there are always choices we can make to reduce the amount of single use plastics we consume. Let's all do more to protect the natural beauty of Colombia while we're here!
It’s important to remember that it’s YOU that has to carry your backpack / suitcase. The more you pack, the heavier it’ll be for you. To help you decide what you should take with you, here’s a short guide of the absolute essentials.
I was able to immerse myself in the Spanish language of Colombia and the peculiarities of San Carlos. It was a unique experience! And for the first time I really enjoyed learning a new language. The wonderful view, the dedicated teachers and the many friendly locals, were of course instrumental in this! My motivation to learn more is there; but I really hope that...
Colombia is home to some of the most vibrant and unique Christmas celebrations in Latin America. The holiday season here is not just about decorations and gifts; it’s a deeply cultural experience, steeped in tradition and local flavor. From lively festivals in bustling cities to peaceful celebrations in rural towns, spending Christmas in Colombia offers an unforgettable opportunity to immerse yourself in both the language and the spirit of the season. Here are five destinations to consider if you're looking for an authentic Colombian Christmas.
Colombia is a country of amazing landscapes, rich biodiversity, stunning colors, and genuine people. It offers an immense amount of activities from sunbathing on white Carribean beaches to hiking to gorgeous waterfalls in Colombia. Here is everything you need to know and what there is to do in Colombia before your trip here:
When I first considered traveling to Colombia, one of my hesitations was certainly whether it would be safe for me, considering I am part of the LGBTQI community.After a quick Google search, I learned Colombia actually legalized gay marriage in 2016, and the Queer community is thriving in its big cities creating big expectations on my part. As it turns out, I worried for no apparent reason at all
Colombia is one of the most popular travel destinations in South America due to its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and because of the incredibly diverse and friendly people who call Colombia home. So, if you want to speak like a Colombian, here are the top 6 most common and strange words/phrases that you will hear when travelling through Colombia.
Colombia is a country that is known for its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes. However, one of the things that often goes overlooked is its diverse and delicious fruits. If you are planning to travel to Colombia, you cannot miss out on the opportunity to try some of the country's most unique and tasty fruits.
Adventuring in Antioquia’s glorious nature is unparalleled; the waterfalls, the rivers, the hiking and climbing and camping opportunities are endless. The empanadas are plentiful and the palitos de queso (cheesy sticks) abundant. At Spanish Adventure we are fortunate to access all this, and more.
Spanish Adventure is more than just a Spanish school in Colombia. It provides authentic immersion in Colombian culture in the town of San Carlos. When I joined Spanish Adventure, I was surprised to discover that I wasn’t only a visitor, but became a member of the community too. Every day, I saw many of the same friendly faces and, over the past month, some of them have become friends. Let me introduce you to some of them!
While Colombia’s civil war is formally over, one explosive part of its history remains. Colombia’s national sport, Tejo, involves gunpowder, steel projectiles, and alcohol. A combination of any of the latter might sound like a recipe for disaster, yet blowing stuff up while drinking beer is perhaps the best national sport a country could wish for.
If someone on the street calls you parce, should you be offended? If they offer a pola, is it a good idea to accept? What about a perrico? Speaking Spanish in Colombia for the first time can be a little disorienting – although the accent is relatively clear, the slang is seemingly endless.
The event that sparked Colombia's revolt against Spanish rule was the mere smashing of a flower vase. Well, maybe not, but that's the story told to Colombian schoolchildren when they learn about their country's independence. What about the vase and the independence of Colombia?
Colombia is a perfect place to learn Spanish in South America. The lingo is clear, the weather is great and there is always so much to do. But most people only consider the main cities when deciding where to study; here is why you should come to San Carlos instead!
Tourists to Medellin love the story of Pablo Escobar. And it's a fascinating story. But is it always in good taste?
For me, traveling was never just about visiting the main tourist attractions or ticking off the highest number of countries. I always wanted to have authentic experiences with local people, get to know different cultures, and explore places that don’t appear in traditional travel guides. Traveling like a local in Colombia allows for deeper connections and a more enriching journey.
I quickly realized that fast-paced travel wasn’t for me. Trying to see many places in a short time prevented me from enjoying, connecting, and truly learning from my surroundings. That’s why here are the reasons to adopt a slower travel pace and some tips on how to do it successfully while exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations in Colombia.
Many travelers wonder about the best time to visit Colombia due to its rainy and dry seasons. However, one of the country’s charms is its highly varied climate. Colombia has diverse climate zones: warm and tropical along the coasts and plains, cool in mountainous areas, and mild in intermediate valleys. This variety means that while there are generally rainy and dry seasons, the weather can vary significantly depending on the region, and even within days in the same location.
Volunteering at a Spanish school in San Carlos can be an incredibly enriching experience. Not only do you get to immerse yourself in the language and culture of a beautiful country, but you also get to give back to the community for example by teaching English to local students. In this blog, we'll explore what it's like to volunteer at a Spanish school in San Carlos and why it can be such a rewarding experience.
It’s a good sign that I’m finding it hard to make a list of only five places you can't miss in Colombia. My three weeks in Colombia have turned into three months and counting. This country has so much to offer and I have loved exploring the diverse landscapes as well as getting to know the rich culture. Between all the cities, mountains and coasts it can be hard to know what to do in Colombia and even harder to choose only five places you can’t miss… but I’ve tried my best.
Like many others, I arrived at Spanish Adventure with one main goal - to become as fluent as I can in Spanish in a short time period. My expectations were exceeded with the number of amazing experiences, friends, and lessons that I received here. Without a doubt one of the best decisions in my travels to arrive here - but we’ll get to that later :) What I did not expect was the joy and fulfillment I would receive from teaching English as a volunteer.
With how the food economy works here and in the rest of the world it's virtually impossible to avoid plastic waste. However there are always choices we can make to reduce the amount of single use plastics we consume. Let's all do more to protect the natural beauty of Colombia while we're here!
I had been wanting to learn Spanish for a long time. Having discovered my passion for languages after my first set of travels abroad, I knew Spanish would be one of the first languages I would tackle. Not only would it give me the freedom to access much more of the world, but it would also open up many other opportunities career-wise.
I had loads of questions about travelling to Colombia before I arrived, so here’s all the information you need if you’re considering a trip in late 2021 or 2022.
Like with most tasks that have been put on hold for a while, I’m having a hard time finding a place to start. So why not start in, uhm, southern Italy, in June 2019. Back then I was on vacation, camping and surfing with some good friends. The weather was incredible, our camping site was located right by the ocean and the wind was strong. Shortly before, I had just started my first job in a rehabilitation hospital after finishing university for a degree in psychology. My original wish was to travel the world before starting my career, but that’s kind of difficult when you don’t have any money saved up for it. So I did what my parents urged me to do: I took the path of flawless CV’s and least resistance, leading straight into the world of full-time-work. I searched for a job to begin my therapy program, found one, and eventually started helping people get their life back together while mine was not really where I wanted it to be.
My husband and I have been together for a little over 4 years. The first night we met, I told him about this epic “World Tour” that I was planning to take one day and he was ALL about it. Fast forward a few years to early (“pre”-pandemic) 2020: we were celebrating our wedding and looking forward to finally making our World Tour dream a reality… and then COVID-19 happened.
At the beginning of 2019, my wife and I started making arrangements to leave our jobs and take a 14-month sabbatical starting in April 2020. When the pandemic “started” in March we had already sold all of our furniture, purchased numerous never-to-be completed flights, and set irreversible dates for our departure from work and the end of our apartment lease. In short, we were going somewhere. This blog post is not written to convince others that travel in the time of COVID-19 is or should be accepted. Instead, it is written to describe our experience and provide some tips and predictions for those who decide to travel in the short-term future.
I’m vegan, and I’m passionate about food. In this post I want to share experiences, ideas, and thoughts I’ve gathered while traveling as a vegan, and hopefully it will provide some inspiration.
Thanks to Spanish Adventure’s excellent location in San Carlos, the school offers great insight into the area’s hidden gems. Guatapé, just two hours from San Carlos, is famous for her 200-meter tall, granite rock: El Peñol. Most tourists take the stairs to reach the top—but Spanish Adventurers aren’t “most tourists”, so we tied in to harnesses and ropes for incredible, adrenaline-enhanced views of the area.
South America is a truly wonderful, magical place. It has everything you could want in a backpacking adventure. In this article, some well-earned road wisdom is laid out to help you plan the South American trip of your dreams. From figuring out your ‘why?’ to learning the language. Vamonos!
While Colombia’s civil war is formally over, one explosive part of its history remains. Colombia’s national sport, Tejo, involves gunpowder, steel projectiles, and alcohol. A combination of any of the latter might sound like a recipe for disaster, yet blowing stuff up while drinking beer is perhaps the best national sport a country could wish for.
Before coming to Colombia, Colombian food seemed to consist only of meat-filled empanadas and arepas - not really vegetarian. Moreover, vegetarianism is not widespread in the region - less than eight percent of South Americans eat no meat. However, being a vegetarian gave me the opportunity to try new food and improve my Spanish at the same time!
Many backpackers travel the world like stones skimming across a lake. If it wasn't for this language school, I could quite easily have spent all my time travelling as an invisible spectator - neither giving nor gaining anything along the way.
Nowadays, learning Spanish seems as easy as downloading an app and clicking around until you get the “Congratulations! You’ve completed the level” notification. But let’s be honest, are you really going to become fluent in Spanish with just automated exercises and fictional dialogues with a bot? That’s like thinking you can learn to surf by watching YouTube videos: it sounds nice, but when the wave hits, you’re left floundering and clueless. So, if you’re wondering how to learn Spanish quickly, ditch the illusions and let’s get real.
If you're looking to learn Spanish, immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of Colombia is one of the best ways to do it. Known for its friendly people, stunning landscapes, and unique local expressions, Colombia offers an incredible backdrop for language learners. When you dive into the Spanish spoken in Colombia, you'll quickly realize that it's full of colorful sayings, slang, and expressions that give the language its heart and soul. In this blog, we'll take a journey through some of the most iconic dichos (sayings) and slang that will help you speak Spanish like a true Colombian.
So, what’s the plan to really learn Spanish? Do what you need to do with the apps and books, but don’t stop there. True fluency and the fun come from getting out there, interacting with people, and letting yourself be swept away by the language and culture.
Learning Spanish can be a long and difficult process. Once you’ve learned the basics well enough to carry on a simple conversation (trust me, you’ll get there soon enough), you can start adding some common phrases to your repertoire. Using common phrases will make others think you’ve been working to master Spanish for a long time, and may even convince native Spanish speakers that you know what you’re doing! Your confidence will be supercharged, which will open doors for you to have more in-depth and real-world conversations. You’ll be well on your way to learning more and more Spanish.
Engaging in small talk is an essential skill, especially when learning Spanish. Whether traveling to south america, meeting new friends, or connecting with colleagues, knowing how to navigate small talk helps build relationships. Here's a guide to get you started
Gone are the days of learning a language from a dusty textbook. Songs that actively engage you in the language through culture and immersion are where it’s at.
A month and a half ago, I landed in the city of Medellin, Colombia, with only my backpack for company. There I was, a little lost, but ready for the greatest adventure of my life: a solo tour of South America. But first, I absolutely had to learn Spanish!
Because clearly, I didn't really have a notion, zero, nada. Oh yes, I had just learned "dónde está el baño?", in case of absolute necessity. And I took a year's Spanish course in Belgium a few years ago, in vain. After explaining my slightly complicated background with this beautiful language, I'm now going to share with you my biggest secrets for learning Spanish fast. Have a seat, grab a coconut lemonade, vamos!
If you're planning to travel to Colombia or San Carlos, you'll need to know how to communicate with the locals and also learn Spanish in Colombia can be a fanstastic idea. In touristy areas, people might speak to you in Spanish, but in many areas of the country, people will speak little to no English, so you'll need to use your Spanish skills. One of the most important things while traveling to Colombia will be knowing how to ask questions.
The countryside gives more opportunities to get into natural environments and explore a variety of landscapes, flora and fauna while you are learning spanish. You'll find yourself getting familiar with the area and with local people much quicker than you would in a city. Add to that a laid back atmosphere, and you'll be feeling comfortable and at home in no time - allowing you to relax and keep a positive mind-set as you take on the task of learning a new language.
Colombia is one of the most popular travel destinations in South America due to its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and because of the incredibly diverse and friendly people who call Colombia home. So, if you want to speak like a Colombian, here are the top 6 most common and strange words/phrases that you will hear when travelling through Colombia.
I was able to immerse myself in the Spanish language of Colombia and the peculiarities of San Carlos. It was a unique experience! And for the first time I really enjoyed learning a new language. The wonderful view, the dedicated teachers and the many friendly locals, were of course instrumental in this! My motivation to learn more is there; but I really hope that...
👏 Great to have you back. Start with a new lesson today. 🎉
Does this sound familiar to you? Probably, if you`ve also lately learned a language online.
However, my learning app kept some important information from me, e.g. that the word "coger
You already know that there are many reasons to learn Spanish here, in San Carlos. But what if what you are struggling with is not where to study Spanish, but if? There are countless reasons to learn Spanish, but the ones listed in this blog are the most important ones to me.
I have been traveling through Latin America off and on for 2 years. Trying to learn Spanish and having a very broken conversational level on a good day! My whole life I have heard "once you are past your prime it's too hard to learn something new".
Like with most tasks that have been put on hold for a while, I’m having a hard time finding a place to start. So why not start in, uhm, southern Italy, in June 2019. Back then I was on vacation, camping and surfing with some good friends. The weather was incredible, our camping site was located right by the ocean and the wind was strong. Shortly before, I had just started my first job in a rehabilitation hospital after finishing university for a degree in psychology. My original wish was to travel the world before starting my career, but that’s kind of difficult when you don’t have any money saved up for it. So I did what my parents urged me to do: I took the path of flawless CV’s and least resistance, leading straight into the world of full-time-work. I searched for a job to begin my therapy program, found one, and eventually started helping people get their life back together while mine was not really where I wanted it to be.
My husband and I have been together for a little over 4 years. The first night we met, I told him about this epic “World Tour” that I was planning to take one day and he was ALL about it. Fast forward a few years to early (“pre”-pandemic) 2020: we were celebrating our wedding and looking forward to finally making our World Tour dream a reality… and then COVID-19 happened.
Travelling is a wonderful exciting adventure, but being away from home for an extended period of time can take it's toll. My advice: slow down. Studying Spanish allows you to travel more easily, have more authentic interactions with locals, and it’s also a wonderful opportunity to slow down and settle in somewhere for a little while. I’ll tell you why you won’t regret it!
If someone on the street calls you parce, should you be offended? If they offer a pola, is it a good idea to accept? What about a perrico? Speaking Spanish in Colombia for the first time can be a little disorienting – although the accent is relatively clear, the slang is seemingly endless.
Before I came to San Carlos and Spanish Adventure, I didn’t really like the language and felt uncomfortable when I tried to speak Spanish. The people couldn’t always understand me. During my stay at Spanish Adventure, I felt more and more comfortable, even though I always made mistakes. I will explain you why!
Colombia is a country that is known for its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes. However, one of the things that often goes overlooked is its diverse and delicious fruits. If you are planning to travel to Colombia, you cannot miss out on the opportunity to try some of the country's most unique and tasty fruits.
Good memory allows us to learn from the past, because the only meaning that the recovery of the past has is that it serves for the transformation of the present time. “Let your heart remember with as little pain and as much commitment as possible”. “They only cease to exist when we have forgotten them”.
Although natural outdoor activities are amazing and will make the experience your best one yet in South America, I’m here to tell you more about some cultural places that San Carlos has to offer.
Like many others, I arrived at Spanish Adventure with one main goal - to become as fluent as I can in Spanish in a short time period. My expectations were exceeded with the number of amazing experiences, friends, and lessons that I received here. Without a doubt one of the best decisions in my travels to arrive here - but we’ll get to that later :) What I did not expect was the joy and fulfillment I would receive from teaching English as a volunteer.
👏 Great to have you back. Start with a new lesson today. 🎉
Does this sound familiar to you? Probably, if you`ve also lately learned a language online.
However, my learning app kept some important information from me, e.g. that the word "coger
When I got to San Carlos I was eager to try out the restaurants. There were lots of great options, but it was a hard to know where to look at first. Thanks to recommendations from friends, I was able to scope out some of the best eats in town. The following is a list, in no particular order, of must-try restaurants in San Carlos.
San Carlos, Colombia is nestled in the jungle-coated hills of the Cordillera Occidental, the westernmost branch of the northern Andes. Known in the Antioquia district for its plentiful water resources, the region boasts 6 clear rivers, 76 streams, and over 50 tumbling waterfalls. The dramatic topography extends into three distinct climatic zones, resulting in unique and incredibly varied flora and fauna.
As a part of the U.S. Marines, we are expected to maintain high physical fitness standards. Maintaining cardio endurance and muscular strength is essential to our ability to conduct various missions worldwide. While spending 8 weeks in San Carlos, Colombia with Spanish Adventure, I tailored a dynamic exercise routine which allowed me to maintain physical readiness and enjoy the local Colombian community.
If you are reading this most likely you are not from Colombia. You do not speak Spanish or maybe you speak some, or just enough to get by if you visit a Spanish-speaking country. Possibly you are considering coming to Colombia to learn Spanish.
Every Saturday, Spanish Adventure organizes a big adventure for the students from the school. This Saturday we hiked to the Piedra el Tabor – also known as “the fucking rock”. Everyone of us was exciting about it. Everytime we passed the square of San Carlos we saw the huge rock and I couldn’t wait to hike up to it and have a 360 degree view of San Carlos and it’s beautiful nature.
Adventuring in Antioquia’s glorious nature is unparalleled; the waterfalls, the rivers, the hiking and climbing and camping opportunities are endless. The empanadas are plentiful and the palitos de queso (cheesy sticks) abundant. At Spanish Adventure we are fortunate to access all this, and more.
Spanish Adventure is more than just a Spanish school in Colombia. It provides authentic immersion in Colombian culture in the town of San Carlos. When I joined Spanish Adventure, I was surprised to discover that I wasn’t only a visitor, but became a member of the community too. Every day, I saw many of the same friendly faces and, over the past month, some of them have become friends. Let me introduce you to some of them!
For a week of true Colombian partying, join Las Fiestas Del Agua in San Carlos. You won't regret this wet, wild and magical stop in your travels. Just three hours by bus from Medellín, San Carlos makes the perfect weekend getaway from big city life. Ready to celebrate the water like a real San Carlitano? Here are Spanish Adventure’s top tips for getting the most out of the Fiestas del Agua.
So, if you are interested in learning Spanish, in experiencing Colombian culture like a local, and exploring the beautiful natural landscapes, Spanish Adventure is the place for you. But what exactly does a week at Spanish Adventure look like? Everything you ever wanted to know about life at Spanish Adventure.
You can’t visit San Carlos without meeting Sandra. She’s one of the first friendly faces you see in the town, and always has the time you to speak with you in Spanish. She also sells some of the best Colombian food in Antioquia – perhaps Colombia. We asked Sandra everything you ever wanted to know about her.
You have Spanish lessons in the morning and swim and jump off rocks during the adventures while exploring the beautiful San Carlos landscape. BUT, somehow, you still have energy. In San Carlos you can find a lot of places where you can exercise or play sports. We show you where to go!
“Valora el agua – como a tu vida”: Value water - as much as your life. The simplicity of this mural belies the complex historic, social, and cultural relationship that San Carlos has with water.
“Nunca nos fuimos. Siempre resistimos” – We never left. We always resisted. Over three decades of violence – encompassing paramilitary groups, guerrilla insurgencies, and state actors – provoked one of the largest exoduses in Colombia. This mural captures the essence of San Carlos during the years of violence: all that remained were the ‘resisters’ and the birds.
Before I came to San Carlos and Spanish Adventure, I didn’t really like the language and felt uncomfortable when I tried to speak Spanish. The people couldn’t always understand me. During my stay at Spanish Adventure, I felt more and more comfortable, even though I always made mistakes. I will explain you why!
Colombia is a perfect place to learn Spanish in South America. The lingo is clear, the weather is great and there is always so much to do. But most people only consider the main cities when deciding where to study; here is why you should come to San Carlos instead!
Spanish Adventure is many things: a Spanish school, a home base for many and a great location to experience the beautiful surroundings of San Carlos. But what truly makes it so unique are its founders - two incredible Colombian natives, who have poured their hearts and souls into creating this place. Find out more about how the dream of Spanish Adventure became a reality.
Afgelopen zes weken verbleef ik bij Spanish Adventure, de enige taalschool in San Carlos. Ik kijk terug op een geweldige tijd waarin ik veel heb geleerd over de Spaanse taal en de Colombiaanse cultuur, fantastische mensen heb mogen leren kennen, intens heb genoten van de prachtige natuur die San Carlos te bieden heeft en een tijd waarin ik mijn eigen grenzen heb verlegd. Ik hoop dat ik met behulp van mijn foto’s kan laten zien dat een verblijf bij Spanish Adventure in San Carlos de leukste manier is om Spaans te leren in Colombia.
At Spanish Adventure anyone who has the desire to learn, can get taught Spanish. We provide you with personal motivation, the chance to learn about Colombian culture and the ability to communicate with your friends. You can also focus on broadening your knowledge within a certain topic, like Narcis Serafras.
Everyone who studies recognises the feeling; learning can make you so hungry! Luckily at Spanish Adventure the lunch is included in our packages - and it’s not just a simple lunch, we go after classes to the restaurant. What is it like there? We asked one of our students, Kelly, and the owner of the restaurant, Aji Dulce, Paola.
There are all kinds of different students here at Spanish Adventure. Some students just want to learn the basics of Spanish to survive, while others make big plans for a long stay in Latin America. At Spanish Adventure you get classes matched to your own level and wishes, so we asked two different students about their learning experiences at Spanish Adventure.
Many backpackers travel the world like stones skimming across a lake. If it wasn't for this language school, I could quite easily have spent all my time travelling as an invisible spectator - neither giving nor gaining anything along the way.
Let's face it, language learning can feel tedious like being in a hamster wheel – endless drills and textbooks with minimal real-world application. But what if I told you there's a hidden gem in Colombia where you can ditch the textbooks, ditch the classroom walls, and dive headfirst into an authentic Spanish immersion experience? Strap in as I’m going to tell you all about my unforgettable adventure learning Spanish at Spanish Adventure in San Carlos, Antioquia.
If you’re a logistics person (read: anxious planner) like me, you may appreciate the following details about arrival/check-in and the overall flow of each week
Spanish Adventure has an amazing team of real people who do their work with love, patience and dedication. We are very grateful and proud to have this working group. ¡Let's get to know them!
Today it’s time to meet a little more about Joan one of the teachers
Spanish Adventure has an amazing team of real people who do their work with love, patience and dedication. We are very grateful and proud to have this working group. ¡Let's get to know them!
For me, traveling was never just about visiting the main tourist attractions or ticking off the highest number of countries. I always wanted to have authentic experiences with local people, get to know different cultures, and explore places that don’t appear in traditional travel guides. Traveling like a local in Colombia allows for deeper connections and a more enriching journey.
I quickly realized that fast-paced travel wasn’t for me. Trying to see many places in a short time prevented me from enjoying, connecting, and truly learning from my surroundings. That’s why here are the reasons to adopt a slower travel pace and some tips on how to do it successfully while exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations in Colombia.