Is it too late to learn a new language?
Is it too late to learn a new language?
I have been traveling through Latin America off and on for 2 years. Trying to learn Spanish and having a very broken conversational level on a good day! My whole life I have heard "once you are past your prime it's too hard to learn something new".
"you can't teach an old dog new tricks"
Is this true? Am I too old to learn a new language, especially Spanish? Lots of women go back to school or start new careers all the time, so how is learning Spanish any different?
Learning is learning!
Is this true?
When I was studying to be a nurse, my life was consumed with reading books about nursing, working in the hospital, being surrounded my other students learning to become a nurse.
This is where I began to realize why I was having such a difficult time learning another language. My life was divided. One part of my brain was learning Spanish, and the other was speaking English.
What am I saying?
Maybe this sounds insane, but hear me out. My entire life revolves around my life in the USA. In Latin America I am a traveler, just passing through. Can I get by with my broken Spanish, yes, of course, but do I want to? No, that is the most important thing for learning a new language at any age.
Learning and having fun!!
You actually have to want it!
Once I realized that I actually needed to immerse myself in the language and be surrounded by other students, also wanting to learn a language is when it clicked. After 2 years, it was sinking in. So you are probably wondering, how does this have anything to do with 'Is it too late to learn a language".
Most people who go off to South America to learn a language are often recent graduates of university or maybe gap year students before entering university. I am neither of these.
I am always the oldest person, whether I am learning Spanish or volunteering. I used to think they are younger; they learn faster; they are smarter than me. This is when I decided to not care about my age and just jump right in stop overthinking it. Do what I did when I was in nursing school and what I have done my entire career.
I jumped
Applied for a visa to Colombia, as a student, and started my language adventure. I then enrolled at Spanish Adventure. Why? Because I need 100% immersion in the language, in a town that is 100% Spanish speaking, it created a complete immersion environment. And guess what?
No one cares how old you are, you are all in the same boat. Learning a new skill, the new language creating more opportunities and expanding your views.
This always depends on the person. Some days I get so frustrated that I want to give up. This always happens in the learning process. The key for me is to be around others who are supportive and encouraging.
This can turn something very difficult into a fun, exciting new adventure. It is usually our ego that prevents us from doing or learning a new skill. We think I am not that person, I can't learn something new. We then put ourselves into a box and lock it from the outside.
Many people say they want to do it, but then when the time comes to jump. Their ego keeps them locked in that box. Saying you're too old, you don't need to do anything new, it's comfortable here where you are, why would you want to change yourself. Comfort is the death of all dreams.
Do you find yourself giving up before you have even tried?
If you want to learn a new skill or language, age is completely irrelevant. You hope to change, to step outside of your comfort zone, to challenge yourself. We did not come into this life to be cozy and stay the same. Life is an adventure and about trying new things.
Not letting anything stop you from what you truly desire.
So if it is coming to the language, countryside in Colombia. Surrounded by thousands of waterfalls, immersed in a completely new environment, off the beaten track of the usual backpacker trek. Then do it! Say yes to a new adventure.
Enjoying the adventure of learning!
It is never external, it all comes from within. We have greater power inside of us than we ever think possible. Age should never be a factor in learning a new skill, a new language. That is an excuse to keep you locked inside the box.
For me, learning Spanish is one of the hardest things I have done as an adult. Does this stop me no, will it take more willpower and determination to meet my goal, maybe? Have I created the environment I need to thrive, YES.
So my Spanish Adventure is just beginning! What is something that scares you and what are you willing to do to achieve it?